Diálogo Intertextual entre a Pulsão Lírica de Edgar Allan Poe e Sebastião Bemfica Milagre em Gláuks – Revista de Letras e Artes de Viçosa, MG, ISSN - 1415-9015, Edição atual: Vol.12 N.1 - JAN/JUN 2012, Gláuks v. 11 n. 2 (2011), p. 269-288. J B Pereira
How to deal with mistakes and errors in language learning in speaking tasks Alexandre Rodrigues Nunes
Discussion question: Do you agree that assessment is the sole responsibility of the teacher? Justify your answer exploring error/mistake evaluation as something valid and reliable. Is assessment of oral skills done separately from writing/reading skills? Alexandre Rodrigues Nunes
Discussion Question: What is the difference between language learning and language acquisition? Alexandre Rodrigues Nunes