I bring in packaged verses with citizen authority,

Proposal for a new group of social networks, in formation,

Composed of enlightened people who will decide by themselves,

To improve their own city through municipal election.

Do not follow the current anymore, but, swim against the hand,

Vote for scientific criteria like logic and reason,

Instead of by emotion or passion of the heart,

Seeing an S.A company in the city and a shareholder in any voter.

Imagine every election, as job selection process,

See the candidate only, as a prospective employee,

To which we offer a very high and attractive salary,

To perform its function in the most productive way.

Only those who have a good resume will be hired,

Only those who have a good proposal will be hired,

Only those who have a lot of competence to prove,

Only those who have great efficacy will be admitted.

Who has had several chances, but has not taken advantage of them

To show your skills, but you didn't show them,

To do good works, but you didn't do them,

Go look for another job, because your term is over.

We have vacancies for mayor, secretary and councilman,

With emperor's salary and benefits,

But results, honesty and value are required,

Not to be impeached like the governor.