Oh please, Lord

Oh please lord

Oh please lord, don't do that with me

Fell in love for a foreing country

A foreing people

A foreing woman

Oh lord, please, don't do that with me

Fell in love for a new life

A new vision

A new culture

Oh lord, please

If you do that

May this country love me too

Those people love me as i love

And this woman love me as i love her

Because if didn't

What i do in my poor life?

Oh lord, accept my apollogies

Now i fall in love for a woman

A woman that i didn't see a woman like her before

Why this things happen to us?

Maybe a divinity punishment?

I don't know and i don't want to know

I just want to know if she loves me as i love

Oh lord, tell me

If she is an angel, take me to heaven

If she is a dream, don't wake me up

If she is a demon, send me to hell

If she is a just a person

please lord, let she loves me

I can describe how she is

I don't have words in my languages for this

She has lips as the apples at July

She has eyes like my hole in the heart without her

She has the brands of the life in her body

Why i can't describe her, Lord?

Maybe i can't see a woman

Maybe i can see a idea

An idea for be a passionate people

But if she is an idea

Please lord

That i be a purpose for the idea

That i be the words of the phrase

That i be the pages of the book

That i be the coffee of the cup

That i be the sadness of the tears

But please,lord

That i stay with her

Oh please, lord

Esclarecimentos sobre o texto em inglês abaixo:

Eu escrevi o texto enquanto eu me relacionava com uma garota estrangeira, então eu tinha que fazer meus textos (sim,fiz vários pra ela) todos em inglês, espero que consigam entender. Obrigado pela leitura.

Pedro La Vieira
Enviado por Pedro La Vieira em 23/05/2019
Reeditado em 19/06/2019
Código do texto: T6654966
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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