By Fernando Pessoa

I want to be your friend,

Neither too much nor too little,

Not too far and not too close,

But, as accurate as I can be.

To love you without measure,

And to stay in your life,

In the most discreet way,

That I ever could stay.

Without taking away your freedom,

Without ever suffocating you.

Without forcing your will.

Not speaking, when it's time to shut up and,

Without shutting up, when it's time to speak.

Not too much to be absent,

Not too much to be present.

Simply, calmly, be the peace for you.

It's nice to be a friend, but I confess it's so hard to learn!

And for that I beg you patience.

I will fill your face with good memories but,

Only give me time to settle up, our best distances.

FERNANDO PESSOA. Eu apenas fiz a tradução para inglês e acrescentei e/ou ajustei algumas palavras para facilitar a rima e com fins puramente didáticos.
Enviado por Alencarino em 20/05/2022
Código do texto: T7520270
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro