Lives of gold (Uma canção pela paz)

There was a man who found gold

And another got high

The peacemaker was old

And the young soldier died

The children was cold

But they are all palestine

Some lives are worth gold

For some deaths you don’t even cry

We are living In a world made of lies

We are living in a supposed paradise

The grandpa was proud

The medal was bright

He said it out loud

But out of sight

His muffled crying

It was everyone’s tears

But they keep dying

They’re made of fears

We are living In a world made of lies

We are living in a supposed paradise

We are living waiting to die

We are living in a world of disguise

Marcelo Simas Pereira
Enviado por Marcelo Simas Pereira em 02/12/2023
Código do texto: T7945508
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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