This is a parody to Dr. Seuss´ poetry for very young children and follows its metric and rhymes. I´ve listed it under "glosa" for lack of options. Sorry, no translation possible.
Thing 1 to Thing 2
May I call you for a talk
May I call you for a walk?
We may sit and talk and share
We may open our souls bare…
There are people everywhere!
See them, see them laugh and play!
May we also join their fray?
But you want me in a box
Closed tight with keys and locks…
Open up I ask you now
If you don´t know I teach you how!
Then I´ll call you for a walk
I will call you for a talk…
Thing 1 to Thing 2
May I call you for a talk
May I call you for a walk?
We may sit and talk and share
We may open our souls bare…
There are people everywhere!
See them, see them laugh and play!
May we also join their fray?
But you want me in a box
Closed tight with keys and locks…
Open up I ask you now
If you don´t know I teach you how!
Then I´ll call you for a walk
I will call you for a talk…