Perennial Flight
Let me tell you
how I learned to fly
with Chuang-tzu.
Once upon a time
a hermit who lives on
top of the Kaya Mountain.
One day, after
he's found an
old broken sword
on the ground,
he falls into
the samadhi state.
— "Veritas, mea illuminatio!",
the hermit said:
"open your eyes and see!
Your legendary sword
was removed from
the Philosophical World.
Ergo, it's time to show us
what our zeitgeist should be!"
— "You fool!",
Veritas the goddess said:
"The absolute direction
Is a crypt
on the quasi-truth
Your true self
is pure timelessness
at the Unforgotten Beauty.
In order to find me
on the horizon
of the deathlessness
Take the Middle Way
is your most divine duty."