The great earthquake-tsunami of Cascadia fault,USA West coast,is near.

...The brilliant study of Dr Maureen Raymo,year 2012,USA Columbia U.,concludes that the Bahamas was sunk ten meters,the slope tectonics produced by weight,unless,the ice thawed in Canada.It is this weight loss that affected the tectonic plate in the USA.During the severe glaciation and thaw,which occurred four hundred thousand years ago.And yet,added up to ten feet sinking in the region of the Bahamas,over ten meters of new water coming from the ice thawed.In short,the Bahamas and the region,sank twenty meters in total.The work was published in the scientific Magazine "Nature" recently and,Dr Raymo christens the phenomenon of "seesaw effect".Because it was enough ice in glacial thaw,so that,without the weight of ice at one end,the Bahamas and the region sliding in to another edge,like a seesaw.But what does this have to do with the theory proposed,by Paul Coast?Simple,because the two studies talk about the physical effect of the ice/water weight,over the tectonic plates.In the case of Dr Raymo;the weight of ice,more or less,moving the edge of the American Board Plate,in the Bahamas.In the case of the author-engineer Paul Coast;the weight of raised water,coming from the melting ice across the Earth,is what are causing the present tectonics plates accommodations,and consequent earthquake-volcanism increase,in the plates meeting regions.But unfortunately,the correlation of these two studies,is a huge problem.Because if we are right,much death and destruction is coming...
Paul Coast
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