I still dream
After so many falls, I still dream.
After so many defeats, I still believe.
After so many obstacles, I still fight.
After so many disappointments, I still love.
After so many frustrations, I still persevere.
After so many illusions, I still keep the sparkle in my eyes.
After so much walking in the desert, I still look for an oasis.
"There is gold and a great quantity of coral, But lips that transmit knowledge are more precious."
(Practical manual of life)
IT IS NOT SO HARD TO BE HUMAN when we do not expect too much from ourselves or from others, or when we do not expect more from others than what we ourselves are capable of giving.
"We all get sad from time to time, but those who suffer from depression or anxiety may feel that way all the time." ('Mental Health' Magazine)
I have a great vice:
The pleasure of living - above the permitted speed!
(I ASK: what does it mean to be sensitive?)
"The phrase "Dreams are wax wings" makes a poetic analogy with the story of Icarus, from Greek mythology. In it, dreams are compared to wax wings, which, although they allow us to fly and reach unimaginable heights, are fragile and can melt if exposed to the heat of the sun, symbolizing the dangers of excessive ambition or desires that go beyond the limits of prudence. It suggests that dreams, although inspiring and uplifting, can be delicate and require care so that they do not fall apart."
(Internet comment)