An almost Impossible love


How crazy it is to talk about love!

How absurd it is to want to love a love that is perhaps eternal.

A true, pure, faithful love seems unattainable, one that persists in loving even when everything around says 'no'.

"It's not good, it's not good!" says the buyer, Then he leaves and brags about the deal he made."

(Manual for a happy life)

I DON'T need inspiration.

I need hugs.

I don't need awards.

I need smiles.

I don't need compliments.

I need company.

"Sometimes helping simply means listening, without judgment, without advice.

(Leo Buscaglia)

I always wanted my words to be sweeter than my demands.

That my arms were more for warmth than for distancing.

"My mind jumps from one thought to another so quickly that most of the time I can't even keep up."

(Testimony on 'Mental Health')

Believe that you are capable of being happy, and you will be.

Believe that at some point in your life there will be a reward for your efforts, and you will.


"About an almost impossible love" suggests an intense narrative full of obstacles, where the feeling is strong, but the challenges for this love to come true are great. It is a phrase that carries a deep emotional charge, evoking the idea that, despite the difficulties, love persists, even if it seems unattainable."

(Research commentary)