Letter of a platonic love


(Declarations of a perhaps eternal love)

I have always loved you, madly, insanely.

My love has no future or tomorrow.

My love has no hope that will shelter me from my losses.

My love is indecent, without decorum, without respect.

It seems like a disoriented, immature, childish passion, with nowhere to hold on.

It seems like a desire without possibility, that corrodes, that kills me very slowly, without pity, without compassion, without empathy.

"Love is patient."

(Quote from a letter)

I can't forget you.

It is impossible not to think about you.

It is impossible to fall asleep without your image lulling me to sleep.

I dream of you, you run away from me.

You forbid me from loving you, my heart rebels, it's no use.

I only see prohibition behind my purest desires.

"Love is kind."

(Quote from a letter)

...Just seeing you makes my heart feel fulfilled.

Your distance is painful, your smile unreachable.

Your heart is not mine yet, it is yours, only yours.

Your words break the barriers of my disbelief in the existence of a distant love.

Come and reveal to me what makes you happy, and I will be the servant of your will.

"If I am loved,

the more I am loved,

the more I reciprocate love.

If I am forgotten,

I must forget too,

For love is like a mirror:

it must have a reflection."

(Pablo Neruda)

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