Rock and Roll in 3 ° District

Hi There Old Indians of Little Coffee! (Translator Note: Steve tell his stories in a South Brazil radio show called Little Coffee.)

Here I am again, more meddler than flea in the seam, to put my spoon into the eggs and crackling of rock question! In my modest opionion, two things really nobody knows in this life: When was the begginings of starts and when will be the corolary of the end of the Rock and Roll. And to talk about the finish of so wonderful thing is affair of who don't have nothing more to do!

One of the authority in this question: Mel Brooks, in his classical movie "History Of The World" affirm that rock was invented by caves's hairy men. And I said that while exist one hairy or not (The case of Arthur) (TN Arthur is one of the members of "Little Coffee" He is a very funny brazilian musician and total baldness...) playing with impetus the rock will stay alive!

One thing that I can to talk without a trace of doubt is when rock to beggin here in 3º District (TN The name of small village where Steve lives).

When the electric light was instaled here, a long time the time when rainbow still was black and white! My father bought one "Eletrola" (TN The name of first record player sold in Brazil).

Two times by year he went to civilization to bought the newness. A lot of records of folk south brazilian singers. Sometimes he don't knew who was the singer, he sympathized with the cover painting or photo and bought too. And by this way, someday comes to me, jumbled between the others the Pink Floyd classic "Atom Heart Mother". (TN Here in Brazil this record is know like "Pink Of Cow")

I still remember my father saying all solemn: "Look that beauty Hollandaise cow! Tonight we will hear this wonderful!" (TN One of principal activities of south brazilian folks is cattle rancher).

After this night daddy never more will be the same...To got some exquisite habits...beggin to smoke some strange little "cigarretes"...Sometimes stood all day exchanging ideas with the banana plants...My mother ever said that his squint beggin in this night!

When my father put this record was because the wasps are around our house trying to make his settement, but he never needed to put B side because so fast the wasps flew escaping to the forest around...

I, that ever had stranger likings, after some hearings finally aprove Pink Floyd. So my father when come from your civilization visits ever bring to me some differents records, always influenced by covers...

"Look the Maragatos of ancient times !..."

"Déjà Vu" - Crosby Still Nash Young

(TN Maragatos was old south brazilian rebels that tryed to create a independent country of Rio Grande do Sul state at 1800)

"Look the fandango acustic band playing in "Bolicho do Leopoldino !..." "Basement Tapes" - Bob Dylan (TN Bolicho is the warehouse and sallon mixed place, that while exist in little south brazilian cities, where you can buy all you need, and join your friends in the end of the day to talk talk and drink some "water that bird don't drink")

"Look that powerful old ancestor sacred place...Surely a wonderful music !..."

"Tales from Topographic Oceans" - Yes

"Look my old father Teodolito collecting firewood !..."

"Led Zeppelin IV"...

And by this way our collection turned very assorted...In week ends the folks that lived around our farm came to ear the "De Almeida's" different music...

At 1977 our whole family travelled two days by train to goes to Porto Alegre (TN Capital of Rio Grande do Sul State) to saw Genesis show from "A Trick Of The Tail" tour. One thing that I never will forget in my life was my old uncle Prepúcio screaming: TO CATCH FIRE !!! TO CATCH FIRE !!! to stealing away under the chairs while the Laser ray was putted in action during "One For The Wine" performance...The most beauty thing never before saw in this latitudes...seems that six or seven rainbows was set in freedom at sametime !

My father ever said that the diarrhea that finish the second show in the begginings, was provoked by the Rockfort Mare Cheese that we gave to Mike Rutherford in our visit to the Hotel...Surely one very powerful south Brazilian souvenir!

Well, A lot of facts and tales I have to tell you. today, I'm finishing by here. The paper is in the end...

Steve Johnson de Almeida
Enviado por Steve Johnson de Almeida em 14/01/2010
Código do texto: T2029217