Requiem for the Ein Sof

In the beginning, God created absolute darkness. And a strange variety of fallen angels. The absolute power of the Universal Monarch has corrupted him infinitely since the Dark Genesis of the Universe. He created Evil before Good because he needed an initial antithesis for his conception of Cosmic Justice. He created melancholy before joy, as the most sublime and highest state of mind, able to produces the most breathtaking works of art, as well the most tearing passions for human hearts. He created for himself, out of absolute existence, his own absolute non-existence. He currently lives in an institutionalized superstition, which enslaves the minds of the great mass of human beings in underdeveloped countries.

Aislan Bezerra
Enviado por Aislan Bezerra em 01/06/2020
Código do texto: T6964883
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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