Research methods for production engineering: Sherlock Holmes investigations (REEC, v.21, n.2, 2022)

The purpose of this research is to identify “clues” to recommendations of useful research methods for Production Engineering reported as research methods used by the character Sherlock Holmes. The research is qualitative, exploratory and descriptive, and consists of the bibliographical consultation to the canon of narrative works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, carried out by the famous detective (four novels and five books with 56 stories). The results of this research are illustrative excerpts of methods used by Sherlock Holmes, and the data analysis matches them with methods recommended in articles and recognized textbooks of the area of Methods of Research in Production Engineering. This panorama offers broad potential to complement and assist the teaching-learning process, presenting another look at research methodologies and reinforcing the importance of methodological rigor in the use of data collection and analysis techniques in Production Engineering. Keywords: Research methods; production engineering; Sherlock Holmes. MALANOVICZ, Aline Vieira. Research methods for production engineering: Sherlock Holmes investigations. Revista Electronica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias (REEC - Universidad de Vigo, España), v.21, n.2, 2022.
Aline Malanovicz
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Aline Malanovicz
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