Políticas Públicas de Inclusão Social : o caso do Ensino Especial e de Jovens e de Adultos na cidade de Salvador.

Abstract This work aims to discuss the formation of scientific culture in Brazil and Bahia from the perspective of popularization of knowledge and social inclusion . It is intended to address the conformation of a science policy in the state's political agenda , and recognize and evaluate the results of development actions in popularization of science implemented by for Social Inclusion, in the MCT . For the execution of this work , we start from the assumption that the development of scientific research to society at large , through the media , museums and science centers , it is essential for the formation of a citizen scientific culture . The methodology is based on theoretical frameworks of Public Policy Analysis and Science, Technology and Society ( CTS) . The theme Public Policies for Social Inclusion: Analysis of Social situation of Salvador, Bahia, this Master's completion of the Master in Political Science, Citizenship and Governance, aims to ascertain the degree of influenc
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