Estabelecimento de padrões de dispersão zoocórica e entomofílica na composição de corredor ecológico da região do Município de Aracitaba – MG

ABSTRACT The definition of biodiversity corridors in a landscape has the objective of minimizing the effects of fragmentation and isolation of communities, assuming an appropriate management of the entire region since there is the introduction of new techniques of land use without harming the regional land route. From a biological perspective, the main objective of such corridors is to maintain or restore landscape connectivity. For this, several actions are necessary, some assistance. The aim of this study is to report the possible families and tree species listed in the restoration of degraded areas, using data obtained in the literature and its dispersion. The proposed model for revegetation of this area will seek to restore the structure and dynamics of the original vegetation, sheltered species diversity and representativeness of their populations and their dispersal.
Lucília Rinco
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Lucília Rinco
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