I beg your pardon, I know that I have many

American readers and only post in Brasílian, the same post goes to my poetry site and Recanto das Letras, were almost all read and speak in portuguese, sometimes. I Publish in Spanish, and rarely are posting in french &. german, because I have a few of readers . I Believe that my over seas readers are Brasílian ou portuguese, that live in foreign countries. You can speak directly with me contacts box.  Sorry me, but most of my readers do not speak my linguage, I am fluente in brazilian portuguese  thats te reason,  of most posting in portuguese. Sorry me, you are always welcome, and if you speak at the contact Box. I will reply all, if you leave your phone, i will fone back speaking you language.

 Thanks to all, recieve my best wishes .Judd

Judd Marriott Mendes
Enviado por Judd Marriott Mendes em 13/02/2023
Reeditado em 13/02/2023
Código do texto: T7718691
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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