CLOTHESLINE – Translated June 5, 2021

I washed my heart and hung it on the line,

flapping there, side by side with my mind

for everyone to see... Unable was I to find

a way to stop anyone to see my pine.

Nonetheless, I found indifferent to that fine

show the crowds; none to it would ever bind,

each one listening to their own hearts unkind

beating inside their breasts... Only to mine

the similar pains in their insides hurting,

others’ sorrows their interest never to adorn.

My organs I took down, dry and white,

no one had filmed them or in a picture courting;

I’ll wrap them in wool and try to make them warm

after being so long thrashed by that windy fight.


QUARADOURO – 16 outubro 2006

Lavei meu coração e pus na corda,

pendurado, lado a lado com minha mente,

para a vista de todos... Impotente

me demonstrei para evitar a exposição.

Todavia, descobri que indiferente

ao espetáculo passava a multidão,

cada um a escutar somente o coração

que lhe batia ao peito... E só acorda

quando mágoa parecida o seio agita,

sem que as penas alheias lhe interessem.

Meus órgãos retirei, secos e brancos.

Ninguém fotografou ou filmou fita...

Vou envolver em lã e ver se aquecem

depois de ao vento sofrerem solavancos...