The Wording

A blank sheet of paper on my desk,
challenges me to think what to write.
I need to finish a wording but I have not even started.
Fortunately the theme is free, but the time does not.
The time is running and nothing comes.
My empty mind panics with the challenge.
My heart bits speed up, I despair.
My world is tiny, for me just some few lines should be enough.
The challenge is much larger, it should be written at least a page.
Thirty-six lines, a great distance to an empty mind.
I sweat cold when I see at my side a whole page already written. So fast, how it’s possible?
Then sparks an inspiration, the yesterday's soccer game, the great defense that I did.
I relax for a moment remembering of my flight, when jumping to parry the ball and saving a goal.
For sure a pure action of quickness that now I need to describe.
The time is running. I'm back to the page that is still empty.
Then, again in a pure action of quickness, as the defense I did, I started to sketch a picture of my defense parrying the ball, ufreezing that remarkable moment.
I´m already calmed down as the picture occupies almost half of the page.
If images are more than words, now with the picture ready, it’s missing a little to complete my job.
As in a same final movement, saving the goal by parrying the ball, I save my wording of not be written, writing as it follows:
“In this morning, when playing soccer as a goalkeeper I’ve made a great defense, preventing a goal and assuring the victory for my team. As the defense was not photographed I did a picture."
So, it’s okay, I have already written enough. The wording had a beginning, had a body, had an end and also was a nice story.
I sign the wording and hand it to the teacher.

Portuguese version, see "A Redação", T5715748

A Imagem foi colhida na internet, em caso de autoria, por favor entrar em contato para que eu retire ou restitua-lhe os devidos créditos. Obrigado.
Roberto Morand
Enviado por Roberto Morand em 03/08/2016
Reeditado em 05/08/2016
Código do texto: T5717668
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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