
Everyone says if somebody does not respect me, I will not respect him or her.

Why? Why these people think that to respect someone we must be respect before? Why these people think respect is conditional to an external influence? This kind of idea shows us that they respect only when they are respected and forget that the respect was born with us. Some people respect another one because recognize the respect inside of themselves.

But we can hear that if I’m not respect why must I respect? The answer is easy. If you are disrespected you can stay far from even you meet that person every day. Your ideas and principles change you and you will see that you are strong and no one can disrespect you. When it happen people will discover that respect is a special situation that they feel inside of themselves.

Of course no one can be disrespected and stay quiet. No! But we must discover why we are nervous when someone says something for us. If someone thinks that they are disrespect they must look to themselves and see why they need to be notice or receive a smile!

Are you looking for a smile? Why? Why people need a smile?

Our life is a gift and everyone has his or her own ideas. We must change or ideas and us when we discover that we are wrong. When it happen, a new life starts because we discover the respect in our action and discover that we are honest with ourselves.

Respect is a kind of principle. We do everything because we must take many thinks and to respect something we must discover that respect is inside us. Our life is based in respect and everything must be respect because they exist and have a mean to stay here and stay in our way.

Then we see that no one can disrespect us, because we know that a word or something else is important for us. And everything that exists is important and we will respect them because we will know about their utility for the life and the Universe.

In that day we can thank for every situation we live, because its important to our evolution and then, the life will become a real gift and the respect is the begging to it.

Piracicaba, October 25, 2.003.

Enviado por Giulianopd em 02/12/2011
Código do texto: T3368105
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