Floating for finding

Plastic garbage, a source of pollution for the ocean, a problem for solving.
Plastic comes from the innocent nature to ease our living.
Plastic goes back to the same nature with power for killing.

Plastic can floats according to our decision.
A bottle without a cap will sink, remaining almost for ever at the ocean bottom.
A bottle with a tight cap will float and can be collected when given the chance to our vision.

People don't care with garbage discarding.
Someone irresponsible is always behind of any piece of plastic found as a pollution.
Any plastic object made should float by decision of designing.
To help our nature to survive we should embrace a cause that we could nominate by "Float for Finding".

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Roberto Morand
Enviado por Roberto Morand em 03/08/2016
Reeditado em 05/08/2016
Código do texto: T5717850
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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