From Rock to Rock

I touch the rock and start running with large steps. I try to see my goal at the end of the beach, another rock that from distance is waiting for my touch. The mist of the sea and heating of atmosphere distort my vision. I can not see the end but it does not matter because the rock is waiting for me. The heart speeds up, the body prepares and get used to the rhythm. I have to choose the path where the sand is hard or soft, choose variations of them, combining the will of the heart with the will of the feet. On the hard way the cold water, in a back and forth, refreshes my legs and gives me the feeling of a higher speed. Small fishes cross my way, distract me, amuse me. The feet begin to feel the hardness of the impact, I change the course looking for a soft path. The feet thank but not the heart. I follow the soft path, blending with the soft middle path, looking for an ideal average serving to the heart. More ahead a new situation, a slope terrain submits my column to a proof. I venture following the slope path, but the column screams asking for attention. I answer the request leading to the flat terrain, where the soft sand sacrifices the heart that now complains, but I do not pay attention, I know it is brave and so go ahead. The water does not seem to be colder anymore, I feel it warm and relaxing, it makes me want a dive. I think about the rock waiting for me and a finishing dive where the feeling of satisfaction will be greater as higher as my fatigue. I decide to wait for the end of the run, for then to enjoy a dive as a perfect prize. Now I spot the rock with greater clarity, I will touch it, reaching for it unabated, even when nearby. I consume time each pace, I am approaching to all the goals in my life and this is a fact, because everything that I will succeed it will depends on the consumption of that time. Following breathless the pains stand, abrasive sand scratches my feet, heels feel the hard floor, the soft sand overloads calves who feel small twinges signaling the muscle exhaustion. I find myself at the time that is set if I am weak or strong. This is very strong, so I increase the rhythm briefly, showing myself what I can do, I return to the rhythm and move on. Now the rock is near, I need to succeed, exhaustion consumes me, I believe in physics, I am an engineer, I optimize the movements, do not waste energy. Now there is no way to fail, the rock is very close, tightening pace, thinking in touch the rock, without which it will appear that nothing will have been done, a single touch, but not a shave, as if everything in my life were reached, I already think about the prize, I'll get it, it Is missing only about seven meters, distance that I have already done in just one jump at the time I was an athlete, why I was thinking about it now? I'm coming... coming... touched... I got it !!!!!! I shout breathless and run to my award. From rock to rock, it's the way I live.

Versão em português, ver  "De Pedra a Pedra", T5717652

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Roberto Morand
Enviado por Roberto Morand em 03/08/2016
Reeditado em 05/08/2018
Código do texto: T5717652
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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