Against North Node and his Devious Design (The Heritage of Men)
Would you mind of do not read this chapter? It's embarrassing to promote my antiemetic shadow. Life must learn how to heal itself misconception without blatantly helming it my stubbornness. How could i prevent this uncondicional lust for achievement? Don't you dare to rule my insidiousness by shifting dreams, settle them in as everything you did to whom nought do. In despite of my often drawn to rejection plans, it was myself meant to lead my disgraceful parade into every single infinite of ruin. Not you, destiny's curse! I am gratefully blessed of garbing my poisoned wounds of dreamer. And cleverly, as the wolves [these beasts worshiping to Mother Moon whose barks, likely swears of a weakening conciousness, resemble mine] i am, pronouncedly, being accomplice of my greedy thoughts.
And as an ultimate of honour, i must to be killed on theses letters, on my confidence of lying rises my major act of intended greatness! Hence, handing my urgent instinct for consumption through the corrupted humbleness it ends with a funeral:
"The mortal's angel farewell came in. In front the crowd, announcing the news, gave me my single trophy and said, he was anything but himself - a sacred loser. May him rest in peace!".
... And none of that really happened. We're still victims of God's humor.
Hernâni Arriscado - Against North Node and his Devious Design (The Heritage of Men)