It's Not The End of The World
[speaking in rageous tone, with the words cutting through the closed teeth]
I'd tear you apart.
I'd torn you to pieces.
I'd eat your organs in front of your family.
I'd kill your family in front of you.
I swear I'd torture you 'til you forget your name.
I'd bath you with acids and hot oils.
[the voice becomes euphoric, flustered, nervous, almost breathless, between a scream of pain and a scream of fury]
If only...
[a long silence, no reaction from both parts]
[the voice becomes aggressive, screaming, hateful in it's tone]
I could stop loving you for a moment!
You bitch!
You fucking whore!
You never changed, you piece of shit!
Worse than that! You're a fly drowning in a dead horse's shit!
You're a window with no hat!
[the scary hatred of an inflamed god becomes the fragility of a glass statue. of tearful both eyes and voice]
You're everything that never made sense...
Each painful tear...
Each smile I held back...
[a last desperate effort, drowning in unending tears]
Each goddamned scream!
[the passive serenity of one whom suffers retuns]
I just wanted you didn't hurt me anymore...
I just wanted you didn't hurt me that much...
I just wanted you..!
[there's hope, or any other thing that shines inside of us on the most desperate moments]
Is it asking too much...
[now there's pain, a mix of devastating, huge pain with a refined pain, like a nail piercing the skin, but that nail weights a ton]
... Isn't it?!
[and everything became tears, as it should be... Should be? Someoften I catch myself reading this story and ask myself if it really should end like this, or was it this sad just because they both were so hard-headed]