
I appreciate the sea

Due to its power, beauty and greatness

And yesterday, when I was swimming

I saw passing at my side a shoal

Of fish whose nature and habit

They really left me to think...

Because besides they speak and they sing

They were healthy and beautiful!

Swimming happy in that single sea

Whose sun also happy lit us up.

Then, after again the ground to be able to step,

I turned myself in the sense from where the waves always come

Always in the hope of seeing them again

Or, perhaps even another shoal

That it has the habit of to pass by here.

For then, suddenly to listen

Echo of beautiful sounds brought by the wind

Emitted by beautiful birds

That freely flew and they sang

Cheering one day truly peculiar.

For soon after words to lie down

In a white sand that even it resemble

With the sugar that everyday

I put in my coffee, as well as in the tea.

And thus, to the sound of that rich nature I fall asleep,

Dreaming about the shoal that I had seen

On that magnificent morning, which I feel,

That for a long time I will remember.

By Silvio Parise

Published in 2012 in the book " Fábulas/Fables ", published by Celeiro de Escritores.

ISBN 978 - 85 - 89091 - 71 - 8

Silvio Parise
Enviado por Silvio Parise em 06/04/2013
Código do texto: T4226389
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro