In the heartbeat of the cosmos, lies a timeless source,

God, the endless fountain, our universal force.

From stars that blink in night's embrace, to oceans deep and wide,

Every atom sings His name, where mysteries reside.

Yo, in the fabric of existence, woven tight and true,

God’s the thread that binds it all, in me and you.

Evolution’s dance, a rhythm old yet bold,

Unfolding in the story of life, endlessly retold.

“God is the source,” the wise ones say,

In every dawn’s first light, in the dusk of day.

From the tiniest seed to the mightiest tree,

His essence flows in all, in you and me.

We crawl from the primordial soup, then rise and stand tall,

Evolution’s tale, a testament to the call.

From single cells to creatures vast,

In every heartbeat, His love is cast.

We vibe with the universe, in harmony we move,

Each step in our journey, a groove in His groove.

Through struggles and triumphs, we learn and we grow,

In the crucible of time, our spirits glow.

In the whispers of the wind, in the thunder’s roar,

God’s the pulse of life, forevermore.

He’s in the codes of DNA, the spark in our mind,

Guiding our evolution, through challenges we find.

Thus, we journey forth, with reverence and might,

In the tapestry of being, God’s eternal light.

Evolution is our saga, growth our sacred song,

In His grand design, we all belong.