You still don’t understand

I have drunk the last sip of my wine this evening

I feel immensely lonely, you are not here

You don’t seem to care much about my pain

So, I am little by little getting used to it

The last song has played, and it talks about love

Love that I don’t have right now

Because you have left me

And will never understand my pain for being so lonely

The songs I listen to are now my friends

Because someone in those songs shared eternal love

And we are now not sharing anything

We are just little by little distancing ourselves from each other

One day we will cry, and regret for not having fought for this love

We are letting it slip through our fingers and doing nothing

Tears of love and suffering will appear on our faces

But maybe it is gonna be too late to try to fix it

If it is meant to be this way

And there is nothing we can do about it

Let’s just let it happen

And let’s follow our hearts and see what they tell us

Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 04/11/2017
Reeditado em 04/11/2017
Código do texto: T6162572
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro