All got blue

That was the day of the rest of my life

Without you.

And so, it hurts me like a steak knife…

All got blue!

‘Cause you were my sense of pleasure,

Who always was nearby

My moment of leasure

With that crasy taste of pleasure…

All my treasure… My supply!

Sometimes I found you tense,

Other times with no defense…

But you never could be found

In fear, or being on the ground…

Like you, none was so intense!

When I felt my soul getting lost,

I looked for you like a dock…

If I felt my body exhaust,

That’s when you became that a rock!

So that’s why now I feel to be nothing!

And that’s why I can’t bring any feeling!

I just follow my time without crossing

In my way with a joy, with a meaning!

Obras publicadas:

Luiz Roberto Bodstein
Enviado por Luiz Roberto Bodstein em 15/02/2010
Reeditado em 19/03/2012
Código do texto: T2088832
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro