
Once I found a guiding light, but it already has extinguished

If hope is the last to die, why I´m still alive?

Live a sorrowfull life is better than have a tranquil death?

This wound in my heart was made long ago, but it´s still bleeding

Will it heal someday?

Even if it would, the scar would remain forever

I tried to hold on, but I already gave up

I´m tired of trying to be happy

I´m tired of having false hopes

I´m tired of my life

It has been so long, now it´s time for me to go

I hope you all forgive me, but I really can´t go any further

Now I will finally be released from this torment

Now I say my goodbye to this world

Enviado por Dusk em 25/11/2009
Reeditado em 01/04/2011
Código do texto: T1944265
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