Glimpse of us

They’re both laying on the bed,

imagining how life could be;

If they were half world away,

Where they can’t each other see.

A song started to play nice,

He asked her for a dance;

They looked each other in the eyes,

“Don’t you dare be just a friend”.

Breathing the feeling of being held,

By someone who deeply cares;

They embraced themselves,

Feeling their hearts beating fast.

He smiled gently and wondered,

She blushed resting her head on his chest;

Arms got tighter around each other,

And they start to dance in a slow pace.

Right before the song reached its chorus,

One tear dropped on his cheek;

Cause he finally discovered,

They belong there in peace.

Their eyes asked to understand this,

Why they can’t stay a little more?;

Their lips suddenly found a kiss,

And the lyrics made them feel uniquely in love.

As the song fade away,

This is slightly becoming a memory;

Both wish this wouldn’t end,

And stay there for eternity.

Tamara Falcomer
Enviado por Tamara Falcomer em 29/05/2024
Código do texto: T8073951
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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