

How eerie they are

those birthdays of dreams

Life has stopped and got all cuddled up

under soft layers of bygone tales

Half asleep

she ebbs back


to the old shore

from her home

in my memory

--the birthday girl who has floated away.

I come back

--a guardian of the dream

self-tuning screen



of the farewell girl

who knew

her own way through the clouds

into the light

Days of birth and struggles



And I-- fully awake--come upon her

and there I stay


sharing present-past stories

with the girl

who has bid adieu

She lives on and on

sheltered in my brain

in the girl she has brought back again this dawn

with the ripples of forget-me-nots

scents strewn in ribbons

a stair to all sunbeams

far beyond the darkest cloud.

Ilram Rekrem
Enviado por Ilram Rekrem em 19/10/2009
Código do texto: T1875073
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