
In realms where whispers trace the morning dew,

A world embraced by gentle, calming hue,

Where every heart finds rhythm, soft and true,

There blooms the peace we seek, in skies so blue.

Beneath the shade of trees that kiss the light,

A quiet calm transcends the day and night,

No wars, no cries, just harmony in sight,

A symphony of doves in endless flight.

Within the soul, where tempests once held sway,

A tranquil sea now guides the heart’s own way,

With breath serene, the chaos melts away,

And peace of spirit dawns in pure array.

The body, too, finds solace in its form,

With every breath, a silence safe and warm,

No pain, no strife, just nature’s gentle norm,

A haven found in every perfect storm.

Beyond the veil where shadows softly weep,

A final peace that cradles those who sleep,

Eternal rest, where dreams and silence meet,

In death’s embrace, a calm, unbroken sweep.

So let us weave this peace in every thread,

In words unspoken and in tears unshed,

A world, a soul, a breath where peace is spread,

From life’s first cry to where we rest our head.