Na manhã de 11 de setembro de 2001, os Estados Unidos da América enfrentaram o pior ataque terrorista da história do país Quatro aviões comerciais foram seqüestradas logo depois da decolagem, por membros da rede al-Qaeda, e voaram em direção a alvos em Nova York e Washington. Cerca de 2.800 pessoas morreram, e centenas ficaram feridas durante os ataques.

NÓS da INCAPAZ, iniciamos a segunda fase de nossa ciranda, convidando a TODOS ( tenham ou não participado da primeira fase ,com 641 participações) a virem conosco neste grito de PAZ e Esperança para que fatos como esse jamais se repitam.

Enviem seus textos, frases, poemas para : anjo.loyro@gmail.com e vejam a ciranda em nosso novo site : http://incapaz.mywebcommunity.org/


On 2001, September 11, at morning, the United States of America had seen the worse terrorist attack of the Country History.

Members of Al Qaeda have kidnapped four commercial flights, after leaving the airport, and had the routes changed to targets in New York City and Washington DC. About 2800 people died and hundreds wounded during the tragedy.

We, the INCAPAZ, started the second stage of our "Ciranda", inviting everyone (everyone, who has participated or not in the first phase of that, which contains 641 participations) to join us in this Scream for Peace and Hope, in only one wish that facts like this never happen again.

Send your texts, phrases, poems, to anjo.loyro@gmail.com and you can access our "Ciranda" in our new site site:http://incapaz.mywebcommunity.org/

Participantes até o momento:

( a partir do 642 )

642-Jorge Linhaça/ 643- Daide Andrade/ 644-Teca Miranda/ 645- Teca Miranda/ 646-Eduardo Correia/ 647- Rodrigo Renê/ 648- Marisa Cajado/ 649- Maria Thereza Neves/

650- Maria Clara Segóbia/ 651- Cássia Figueiredo/ 652- Marcelo Alan Reis Vidal/653-Neil isenhart/ 654-Neil Isenhart/655- John Paul Gorby / 656 -Michelle Padoveze/ 657-Patrick Vanee/ 658- lonestar ( Ingrid Wick)/ 659- Krix (Christine Handley)/ 660- Felicia Handley / 661- Bianca Celes/ 662-Joubert Pontes/ 663-Julie Carr/ 664-Amanda De Lucca Iozzo/ 665-Steven Bauld / 666- Tina Carter ( Tosha)/ 667- Tessa Lee/ 668-Angeline Iozzo De Lucca/ 669- Eljay/ 670- Lois Colins/ 671-Stephanie Withe/ 672-Ricardo Iozzo D'Amato/ 673-Sonia Regina Coelho/ 674-Johann Meinschein/ 675-Henry Hasselman/ 676- Katie Campbell/ 677-Ana/ 678-Jack/ 679-Sandra Galante/ 680-Jennifer Scott/ 681-Sheryl Bishop/ 682-Belquis Ivonne Barés/ 683- Keahu/ 684- Kim Kelley/ 685-Mary Orona/ 686- Alley/ 687-Tyrone/ 688- Lissa/ 689- Vânia de Castro/ 690- Amy Rose/ 691-Jennifer Kay Tracy


When the towers down

Hope was be lost...

Hearts was broken

but the humanity renew.. now

Peace is our way

Union is our power

God is our tower

Peace and love ...we say

Jorge Linhaça



"PAZ???? O que seria de nós sem ela?

PAZ no coraçao, na família e na roda dos amigos.

Vamos nos doar e liberar a PAZ,

leva-la para onde nos formos.

A PAZ não é coisa de momento

tem que ser para todo o sempre,

vamos abrir nossos corações e levar a PAZ para o mundo.

Que a PAZ esteja com todos, em todos os momentos."

Daide Andrade, 21 anos, estudante de Computação Gráfica,



Sonhos que voam alto


Voa condor! Voa bem alto!

Por plan�es e montanhas

leva o canto que declamo

desta liberdade que exalto.

Plana sublime em tua solidão:

no azul que reflete o mar,

verde entre o negro de teu corpo

sol que brilha em teu olhar.

Voa condor! Voa bem alto!

Leva em tuas asas meus sonhos,

solte-os em cada canto deste mundo

semente que brota em solo fértil.

Este vôo não terá descida

porque os sonhos que carregas

irá te sustentar por toda vida.

Voa condor! Voa bem alto!




Humanidade fora da realidade

coloca-se no centro do universo,

faz da natureza uma banalidade

em vez de esplendido berço

Elevemos nossa voz aos surdos

que cegos não vêem os absurdos

que cometem por ganância e poder,

fazendo a esperança na vida perecer.


"A PAZ é o milagre do mundo!"

Eduardo Correia 17 anos

Colégio Alipio Franca SSA/BA



"A Paz é um bem na nossa vida que devemos cultivar,

sem a paz na nossa vida, viveremos com angústia.

Então viva na PAZ!"

Rodrigo Ren꠭ 17 anos SSA/BA Colégioo Alípio Franca




Marisa Cajado

Admirei embevecida

o quadro, esculturado

pelo pintor da vida.

No côncavo azulado

a alvorada em esplendores,

espraiava ouro matizado.

Ah! meditei...

Quem nesta tela, pinta horror

com certeza, não viveu o amor

reflorindo lá no coração.

Não sentiu o que o poeta sente,

quando a poesia, a jorrar na fronte,

o faz tremer, chorando de emoção.

Não experimentou a alma volitando,

o hálito divino, soprando

a sussurrar a cantiga do universo.

Não caminhou um pouco mais além

e notou que de onde os astros vem

a paz, é sempre o verso e o reverso.

Senti pena, deste povo algemado

à ilusão do ego, torturado,

preso à posse, poder e ambição.

Nem notou que a Terra, pequenina

é como grão de areia tenra e fina,

em meio ao mar de astros da amplidão.

Marisa Cajado

Dia seguinte à caida das Torres Gêmeas.


Ando pisando em bombas

Maria Thereza Neves

ando pisando em bombas

tentando soprar brancas pombas

tendo o céu como testemunha

ando escutando vozes, dores

sons clamando por liberdade

atingindo todos cantos, espaços

ando segurando cores

História da Civilização

destruição de uma nação

ando gritando todos os idiomas

somos todos irmãos




e liberdade

ando pintando sonhos

em cada segundo das horas

dos que lutam num longo adeus

o olhar grava emoções

onde a luz raramente brilha

ando pisando em bombas

tentando soprar brancas pombas




Maria Clara Segobia


Clamamos por paz

Imploramos paz.

Paz no trânsito

Paz entre os países

Paz entre os governantes

Paz aqueles que se dizem amigos.

Sofremos pela falta de paz

Ignoramos a necessidade da paz interior.

Queremos a paz,

criamos a guerra.

Guerra de nervos

Guerra das palavras

Guerra de fome

Guerra de poder.

Com ela surge

A desconfiança

A desunião

A humilhação

A revolta

A destruição

Material, humana.

Perdemos os valores

pregados por Cristo, nosso Pai.

Queremos a paz

Com a inveja

Com a intriga

Com a fofoca

Sem união.

Queremos a paz

Na emoção de poetar

e como poetas imploramos

apenas na fala, na escrita.

Esquecemos o verdadeiro

significado da palavra paz

“Amar ao próximo como a ti mesmo.”

Quem sabe, talvez, um dia ou nunca.

Quando meu Deus?


Gostaria de falar das flores,mas não me satisfaz,

Gostaria de falar em amores,mas não sou capaz,

Prefiro falar de coisas que tragam a Paz.

Neste momento, quero pedir ao mundo,

Para semear a Paz em todos os sentidos:

Paz no coração;

Paz de Espírito;

Paz em suas familias;

Paz em seus trabalhos;

Paz na sociedade em que vivem;

Paz em todos os momentos de suas vidas.

É na Paz, na serenidade,

Que vamos receber a força,

E sabedoria de Deus,

Para enfrentarmos os grandes obstáculos.

A Paz do coração, é a arma dos valentes guerreiros,

Perca-se tudo, mas não se perca a Paz.

Cássia Figueiredo.


A Paz não forma violencia é um instinto bom para nossos corações. Une amigos, nos traz coisas boas, felicidade, amor , esperança e não vingança e ódio.

Ela faz as pessoas se gostarem mais, não deixa que se agridam e se matem.

Marcelo Alan Reis Vidal - 12 anos


Colegio Estadual Polivalente San Diego


:The skies fell in New york city,

The world took pity, after the haze,

there were thoose who, recieve praise,

Thus, came the fire and smashing glass,

people came in a big mass,

two towers a blaze,

then thus began the rescue phaze,

thousands of people died,

even thoose few that tried,

to pull people out,

miricles did occur,

and i know the evil ones where, so sure,

they could styffle the resolve in a

few, the rescuers made due,

with the lives that they did save,

even to themselves no attention did, they crave.

Neil Isenhart


Remebering Sept 11

A Pardestrians view

As I walk down the street

broken glass layed down before my feet

I remeber the scene minutes ago

it was a dark little show

the two towers were poised then

came the rumbling noise when

the two towers where no more

it cut me to the core

I saw a jet plane and it was so

insane to see the jet so low

I knew right where it would go

I saw the fire dept and the pol

police who all came

and I knew nothing was the same

with all thoose people screaming

and yelling it was all very compelling

for I never knew that day id almost die

and not even know why written

by Neil Isenhart


God, we need some reassurance,

our nation's been attacked.

We were not prepared for this,

our confidence has cracked.

We stand and stare in disbelief,

we're all numb to the bone.

Our pain is unbearable,

we all feel so alone.

Please console, and lift us up,

Your words, we need to hear.

Our false sense of security,

has been replaced with fear.

We pray You hold us in Your arms,

we know Your love can heal.

Help the victims, families,

their pain is so unreal.

John Paul Gorby


I was confused

I didn't know

that today I would lose everything I love

my heart sank

as I saw the plane

I'd never see my daddy again

my eyes stung

I couldn't breathe

one last hug was all I'd need

to let him go

on that sad day

but he's still here

in my heart he'll stay

By Michelle Padoveze


to the firefighters and the ones who have died

thanks to all people who saved you and cried

to the ambulance and the peolple who saved

thanks to all people who cried on that day

to you we are all thankful and sad

but we will overcome that sad, sad day

to you we are very happy and saved

Patrick Vanee


Got a picture of you I carry in my heart

Close my eyes to see it when the world gets dark

Got a memory of you I carry in my soul

I wrap it close around me when the nights get cold

If you asked me how I'm doin' I'd say just fine

But the truth is baby, if you could read my mind

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you

After all this time you're still with me it's true

Somehow you remain locked so deep inside

Baby, not a day goes by

I still wait for the phone in the middle of the night

Thinkin' you might call me if your dreams don't turn out right

And it still amazes me that I lie here in the dark

Wishin' you were next to me, your head against my heart

If you asked me how I'm doing I'd say just fine

But the truth is baby, if you could read my mind

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you

After all this time you're still with me it's true

Somehow you remain locked so deep inside

Baby, not a day goes by

Minutes turn to hours, and the hours to days

Seems it's been forever that I've felt this way

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you

After all this time you're still with me it's true

Somehow you remain locked so deep inside

Baby, not a day goes by

By lonestar ( Ingrid Wick)


One day I heard my teacher say,

The day she feared was today-

I felt my heart sink,

I knew not what was happening,

But from her face I could see-

The pain the sadness and the sea,

of thoughts.

I finally grasped the news,

And really I couldn't believe the hues

of the sky, the towers, the smoke-

He blasted away what mother nature could have never took.

As we commerate that very day,

which shook the world in many ways-

We look back and wish

One day the world will unite

and will bring us another reason to hope

for peace.

By Krix

Christine Handley


I try to forget about that horrible day,

but its impossible,their's no way,

how could people be so careless,

no one watched the horrible act fearless,

no one thought that this was gonna go down,

we had to worry about in our little town,

but we shed tears for the ones in the towers,

we couldn't stop crying for hours,

some kids come home to no families that day,

to kids like that what do you say,

this war will end one day,

i just wish it was today.

By Felicia Handley


In the night so bright

Twim towers you amazed me

With your height

Now you gone and its hard to bear

At frist i was so very scared

Then it made me mad

I flet so very sad

Scared, Sad, Mad

These feeling are hard to share

Go away and dont come back another day

I need to play and bring bac those brighter days

In the night so bright

Twim towers you amazed me with your height

Now your gone and its hard to bear

Its up to the rest of us who are still here

We have to make things better

For the rest of the years

written by Bianca Celes


" P A Z '

Palavra pequena de grande significado, porém,

dificil de ser conseguida em vida,

pois normalmente para vc a ter,

muitas vezes tem de abrir mão de lutar por seus Diretos

( Educação, Saúde, Segurança, Emprego com Salário Digno,

Aposentadoria Decente, Lazer, etc e tal...).

Lutar para deixar de ser subserviente aos outros,

é perder a "PAZ",

lutar pela Justiça e pela Verdade é perdê-la de vez.

Então como é possível ter "PAZ",

onde encontrá-la: na rua,

em casa, no trabalho, na escola, nos hospitais,

nos amigos, nos vizinhos, no governo?

Creio que, a resposta está dentro de nós,

em nossa Consciência, em nosso Coração e em Deus.

Joubert Pontes

RJ- Brasil


September 11 the whole nation cried

The whole nation quitet many grieving, crying and weeping.

Why did it happen? Is yet to be discovered.

But we will not fear any more than we should.

Julie Carr


It's no mystery,

we suffer a great deal of misery;

Continuously struggling everyday with the enemy.

Nonetheless, we are under stress

understand that

Their will be obstacles to overcome.

We must withstand all odds.

Life comes at us fast; We can't let it pass us by.

No one knows how much time we have left to live before we die.

Turn on the television, see how much hell has risen.

Somebody is forever getting shot; The violence never stops.

It's such a cruel world....

There's not much none of us can do without you lord.

I know it's hard for us at times to understand.

What we have to realize is that it's all a part of God's plan

for mankind. Black people going out their mind;

it's instanity. We're even killing our own member's of our family,

For what reason? Haven't we as black people have more than enough grievin...

We have to look within ourselves, and make a change.

Take heed to the signs from heaven.

Lord, bless the families of the victims who died on NINE ELEVEN.

Amanda De Lucca Iozzo


poem by Steven Bauld

On a day not like any other day

Many lives where lost

America was estray

but this was our cost

For on this day America became aware

that evil in the world was real

And those with out a care

rushed to help others and feel what they feel

A memorial stands now where gravel and dirt lays

Where a building was tossed

and time and lives strayed away

where tough men eyes glossed

with tears that could never repair

the lose was hard to deal

But as we americans do

We rallied and weren't scared

all of us came through

tempers flared

A memorial was built there

to honor those who cared

That faithful day

When hate was in the air


I Don't Want To Forget

Life goes on and most of the time gets better,

And things are just forgotten,

Or do we try our best not to remember.

We don't want to remember the pain,

We don't want to forget those we loved,

But what about those of us who lost no one,

Are we supposed to not care,

What if we do care?

What can WE do?

Everyone knows what it's like to lose someone special,

And we all know what hurt feels like,

So for those of us who didn't lose anyone,

We wonder why it hurts so much to see someone else's pain,

We wonder if we're supposed to feel anything at all.

How could we just sit along the sidelines

Saying nothing

Doing nothing

But what are we supposed to do?

Those spoken of are those of us who cry when we hear about it,

Those of us who wonder why it happened,

And those of us who wish we could take the pain away.

If only we could steal their pain

Make it so they could smile again.

If all we could do is take away one day of pain,

Would you do that much,

Would you do that little?

I pray to God every morning to help them find comfort,

Along the way I forgot to ask for my own comfort,

But then I find myself asking if I deserve comfort.

Shouldn't they receive that comfort,

Why should God waste it on me?

Of all the people lost and those left behind,

I should be one of the grateful ones,

But how can I feel grateful when I see someone else's pain?

I think of how unfair it is,

That people who would risk their lives for me,

And I never knew them.

Driving down the road I never waved,

In a hurry,

I'd just drive on by without a second thought.

I look now at police departments and fire departments,

I give a second thought now,

But am I too late?

Did I take them for granted before I knew them?

Far too many people lost,

Far too many people taken for granted.

I hold my loved ones closer now,

I tell them 'I love you' when they walk out the door,

Because I still have the chance to.

I don't want to forget,

I never want to forget.

I don't want to be a reminder of a horrible thing,

I just want to be a reminder of those who died so I could live.

Heroes protect our country with such unselfish attitudes,

From Pearle Harbor,

To September 11th,

And all I wanted to say was thank you,

All I wanted to say was I'm sorry,

I just wanted to say I love you



Tina Carter



As We Thrive

by Tessa Lee

People on every corner,

watching every blow,

while the clouds fill up with blackness,

while the earth screams for help!

People falling from the sky,

kids crying below,

wondering how their loved ones will survive,

though the tragity of what is happening in front of them.

Daddie's or mommie's little one is watching,

watching in shock,

dying in fear of what will happen,

soon to come.

This is the day when death occurs,

when fathers or mothers have to tell there little ones,

to tell them that their mommie or daddie has died,

that s/he died on the 9/11 Tragedy,

but will always stay in their hearts,

but in a beautiful place we call heaven.


Through day and night

Night and Day

we waited

we watched

for a sign that our loved ones would come

the leaves changed colors

the snow did melt

without most of them

our lives filled with doubt

Hopes that the rescuers would find someone

we gave our hope

we gave our prayer

we did all that we could

we did all that we should

Yet most of us yearn

with a strong heart

that more should have been found to fill us with joy

Angeline Iozzo De Lucca


We taught them

by Eljay

Outrageous! Discraceful!

The deed was so distasteful.

It stole our peace,

it stole our joy.

It stole the dad of my baby boy!

It made us armies to deploy

to kill fathers and son.

Alarming! Regretful!

We'll never be forgetful!

Of all the wrongs,

of all the sin,

of hateful deeds by evil men!

Broadcast the news again, again,

Senseless killing has begun.

Foreboding! Imploding!

While tempers are exploding!

A gun is shot!

He's killed a lot!

Can't be, but wait, it's the graduate

Your child or mine who's been taught to hate

and family values shun.



by Lois Colins

My whole world is falling down

Nine one one, nine one one.

In smoke and debris our loved ones drown

Nine one one, we say.

Husbands, brothers, sons, and dads

Nine one one, nine one one,

Wives and sisters, daughters, moms,

All come to help that day.

Senseless deaths from hate and war,

Nine one one, nine one one,

In our homeland or yonder shore,

When will it go away?

Our children need us to be there,

Nine one, one, nine one, one,

To give them tender love and care

that drives their fears away.


As americans we should take a stand,

and replenish what has been taken from our home land.

We saw this happen before our eyes,

all because of terrorists in disguise.

we never thought we'd see the day,

the twin towers would perish away.

That day they did and so many more,

and we never even thought they'd collapse to the floor.

Well, we were wrong, but now we have our turn,

to rebuild our lives, these terrorists will learn.

To this day, 9/11 has been a solemn time,

as nobody could believe why anyone would commit this crime.

From here on out we will remember this day,

and never let the thoughts of our heroes slip away.

As americans we will never forget, we will remember,

yeah we will remember forever.

Stephanie White


Unreturned Phone Call

Ricardo Iozzo D'Amato


"I'll call you later", I said,

busy was I that morning;

I thought we had time ahead

but death came without warning.

To call you back was my choice,

never will I hear your hello,

gone is the sound of your voice,

why you called, I'll never know.

"I'll call you later", I said,

just before two plane crashes;

soon after that you were dead,

your body reduced to ashes.

My eyes saw the awful crime,

the Towers in their deadly fall;

my friend, I did not have time

to return your final call.

"I'll call you later", I said,

that was September eleven;

I will pray for you instead

since I can't call you in Heaven.


She saw pain

the horror on my eyes.

she was a hero who did stand and fight,

simply 'cause it is right

my sheltered life is now shattered

but I bare no regret

she did not do much for me

but hero she was still

she gave her dying breath for me

and died so I could live

the sadness I feel still

shall never go a way

for the sranger I had just met

was the greatest friend I had

By Sonia Regina Coelho


pulling away the rubble hoping to find you

fighting with my tears tring too save you

or at least a memory of you

I couldnt give up because saving you would mean saving me in return

some times I cry out your name

without realization of why sometimes

I cry even when I am having a good day

sometimes the memory of you is so strong

and other times it cease to exist

i miss you I really do

the thought of you never walking through the door scares me

it scares me that I can no longer find you or see you

but I can feel in my heart and I know you are watching over me night and day

I love and I miss you so very much

Johann Meinschein

675-Henry Hasselman/ 676- Katie Campbell/ 677-Ana/ 678-Jack/ 679-Sandra Galante/ 680-Jennifer Scott/ 681-Sheryl Bishop/ 682-Belquis Ivonne Barés/ 683- Keahu/ 684- Kim Kelley/ 685-Mary Orona/ 686- Alley/ 687-Tyrone/ 688- Lissa/ 689- Vânia de Castro/ 690- Amy Rose/ 691-Jennifer Kay Tracy


Remember the day

New york blue up

that was bad and sad

Henry Hasselman



Way back when I was ten

The world seemed to be the end

Watching the TV.

I cried

Not knowing if my father survived.

Before this I was in school

I was such a fool

To not see that something was wrong

Not knowing the world trade centers were gone.

At home I screamed in horror!!

Seeing bloody faces

In un-happy places

I called my mom to see if she knew

The next few minutes flew

As she told me the story

She called my dad many times

My dad not knowing the crime

Was shocked

Although he was fine...

On the day the world trade centers died…

I feel the sun never did shine

By: Katie Campbell



Se cada um de nós ensinássemos aos nossos filhos o valor da PAZ,

tornaria-se desnecessário preocuparmos com as guerras, pois a Paz seria universal.




Busque dentro de ti um momento de silêncio.

Afaste as contradições de tua vida e supere o ódio,o ressentimento,o desejo de vingança.

Reconcilie consigo mesmo,perdoando os que estão em tua volta.

Cultive a Paz Interna para que possa irradiar tua luz a todos que estão em tua volta.





Fica determinantemente proibido:

A descriminação

Qualquer tipo de explosivo

O egoísmo e o ódio

A transgressão dos Direitos Humanos

Qualquer tipo de Guerra

Haverá a partir de hoje:

Comprenção e solidariedade

Respeito e comunhão entre todos e tudo.

União e fraternidade em busca de um mundo melhor

Todos seguirão os passos do Pai da Humanidade.

Sandra Galante.


An act of a COWARD

who can't face it.

An act of pure hate,

but in the end WE are the WINNERS.

It was a day of pain,

All around the world

people with tears of sadness

Feelings crushed

Not knowing about a loved one.

A day of sorrow.

Loved ones in chaos.

Heroes who gave all to

help out a stranger.

UNITED we will always stand

That's the AMERICAN way.

We will rebuild.

And pay respect to all.

Jennifer Scott/US





















No es un objeto.

No es un milagro.

No está en el mercado.

No viene en terrones

ni por cucharadas.

¿Dónde se consigue?

¿Dónde he de comprarla?

Búsqueda constante

que nunca se acaba.

¿Dónde está escondida?

¿Quien se la ha apropiado?

La tienen los Lamas

la tienen los Santos

la tiene quien oye

la frágil voz de su alma.

Está acurrucada

en el mundo interno

de cada individuo.

Mas no se consigue

de un día para el otro

y luego se guarda.

Hay que construírla

de a poco... de a poco...

segundo a segundo

armando armonía

flexible, dinámica.

Sin odios ni envidias

ni ambición desmedida

sin orgullo fatuo.

Sintiéndome parte

de la Madre Tierra

y a cada persona

como un buen hermano.

Belquis Ivonne Barés

(Rosario - S.F.- Argentina)


Hafa Adai, as we say Hello on Guam.. We are a small island in the Pacific Ocean and yet we are American citizens.. We have just paid our respects and gave tribute to all those who suffered on 9-11.. It was a very touching day.. We had all our local performers and children from different schools come forth and sing a song or just say a small passage of what they felt about the attack.. It brought tears to everyone's eyes to hear a child sing Amazing Grace and shed a tear while singing, and blessing her family who lives in New York.. I would just like to share that although we are a small island, everything that concerns the United States concerns us as well... Our men and women here also go to defend our country.. And we are very proud to be Americans, because United We Stand and God Bless to you all... thank you.




Their Country's Last Call

So it is written,

So it is said;

While slumbering safely

Within our own beds.

By land, sea & air

Their job must be done;

Throughout all the nite,

And into the sun.

Lest none understand,

We now are all called;

For our Freedom is first,

Win, lose or fall.

No longer the military

With arms that do serve;

We all must be vigilant,

We all must observe.

Defense of our Land,

Even with our last breath;

We owe it to those,

Who defended till death.

On 9/11

We awakened to grief;

We must defend Freedom,

It is our belief.

For Freedom means Liberty,

Happiness and Life;

In all that we do

Be it peace, or in strife.

Americans, be not sad,

No longer to grieve;

Three colors of Honor

Do wear on your sleeve.

Strike up the trumpets

Throughout the Land;

For divided we'll fall,

United We'll Stand.

With Honor our Friends

Did accept their fate;

With Honor they stand

At Heaven's Brite Gate.

We saw them stand proud,

With Honor stood tall;

As they answered with Love,

Their Country's Last Call.

by: Kim Kelley






I still have the picture when the airplanes hit and when the towers fell.I still have this filling in me like I'm week and like I what to cry and yell as lound as I can.I love my family more.I thank God that we are holding hands and helping out eachother out.No matter what.Every time when I think of it I fell like we as the USA, we have won, they have lost.They can not make us cry, cuz they know that if we cry, that they won,but we need to show them "hey,no we won." I pray to God every night and say "God plz help the familys,help us win.And plz watch over the usa and plz,plz help us".


Sri Lanka


I knew the United States wasn't everybody's favourite uncle, but it never crossed my mind that the Arab world was home to terrorist cells plotting the sort of hell they were about to visit on New York City. People with mass murder on their mind were the stuff of Tom Clancy novels.

Up until Sept 11 last year, terrorism meant to me --- and I think to most people --- the Palestinian suicide bombers working their horrors in Israeli shopping centres and bus depots. It meant deadly actions by small fanatical cells with long-standing, historical grudges against neighbours.

It didn't mean a well-organized, well-financed worldwide network of combatants capable of plotting and hiding amongst us for years, waiting for the right moment to execute an attack on the scale of the assault on the twin towers.

Pre-Sept 11, terrorism, frankly, was of little direct concern to me. It posed no threat to my safety, my travel plans, to my way of life, for that matter. When I considered the state of my world, terrorism was really not a factor. Not to be trite, but mine was a warm and fuzzy world, non-threatening and benign.

Post-Sept 11, the view from my simple-minded perspective is considerably different.

I think now of the world community which I do more often than before as a hostile place. I think of it as a malevolent place in which I am not altogether welcome. It is as if someone pointed out my favourite beach had been salted with landmines.

My rose-coloured glasses are never far from my side, so I know how naive my pre-Sept 11 notion of the world sounds. But that's how I saw things and I warrant most of the world --- certainly North America --- saw it, as well.

The memorial services which take place by the thousands across the United States and Canada Wednesday are fitting and right. I think the civilized world share in America's mourning. Those who do not, are not yet civilized.

But I think the day should be more than one of mourning and remembrance for the 3,000 plus people who died in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and aboard the hijacked planes. It should be a day of commitment, as well.

It should be the day the free world commits to the war on terrorism without reservation, without conditions, without taking the opportunity for cheap political posturing. It should be the day we decide this gang of thugs, no matter where they are, will regret the day they launched their war on freedom.

The world most definitely changed that day. It should be not only a reminder of the tragic events of 9/11/01 but a day of notice to those who would hold the world hostage; that America and her allies will not stand by and let it happen; that we will, in fact, not be terrorized.

I think this day could serve as a rallying day for the free world; a day to steel our resolve; a day to stand and be counted. I think it could be the day we end the rhetoric and begin to get on with the obvious job at hand.


Sri Lanka


We cried hundreds of times that fateful day.....

and the next, and the next....

For all of the unknown victims.

Now we have begun to see their faces, and we cry again...

We feel the need to see them all, to show them respect as individuals,

not just as a group of unknown people.

Our hearts are heavy, our joy is gone.

How can we go to a movie, shop for blue jeans,

or do anything, while so many mourn?

What gives us the right to get back to normal, when so many can't?

We're going through the motions, but there is an emptiness inside,

What can we do? We feel so helpless...

We can only tell you that though some parts of life appear normal,

Every day our hearts ache for you,

And every day we still cry, mostly in our quiet moments.

Though life seems to be going on, we are with you.....

Our hearts will never completely heal.

Lissa from Arkansas



Vania de Castro

9 de julho de 2008

Sinto-me em paz...

Reavalio meu coração,

estou em paz!


Não! Não é verdade!

Ao passar pelas ruas

parar nos faróis

andar por alguns bairros

ou mesmo passear no centro da cidade

sinto uma forte inquietação

que me move

me comove

me dissolve.

Chego em casa

sinto-me regozijada ao ver as três árvores plantadas na calçada

e duas no meu pequeno jardim

... no galho de uma das árvores repousa um sabiá-laranjeira

símbolo da nação brasileira

pássaro sem fronteiras

da zona rural à zona urbana

voa, voa, voa e canta

preenche os nichos existenciais

ah...sabiá traga-nos sementes de paz.

Nós homens não sabemos mais o que é paz

Brigas, discussões, guerras, destruições, matanças, misérias, doenças,

fome...é fome...

gente morre de fome...no século XXI.

Com tantos recursos criados pelo próprio homem

se auto-destrói

destrói seu irmão

planta destruição de um canto a outro


revolta dos mares que invadem as cidades

seca ou excesso d’água

tudo demais ou de menos faz mal ao homem

...não se conscientiza

que a mudança depende dele.

A mudança só depende de cada um de nós!

Tristeza, raiva, infelicidade, dependência psicológica...

contagiam como as chamas do vulcão

o coração


O ser humano necessita de paz para viver em paz!

Cada um poderá cooperar de acordo com as suas possibilidades

tendo como ponto central a paz

na comunidade virtual,

na sociedade real...

a humanidade precisa de paz

para que a espécie humana continue a vida

Ouço Beethoven e observo Van Gogh

Sanidade e loucura misturam-se

numa provocação constante

para sairmos da mesmice

e nos embebedarmos um pouquinho

com os desejos de Fernão Capelo Gaivota

e, assim nos permitirmos sonhar com a PAZ

e, assim nos permitirmos ir além

lutar em paz pela PAZ



Here is a list of the more than 3,042 victims who are either confirmed dead or are missing and believed to have died in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. This list is organized according to where the victims died, with rescue workers in a separate list from those who died at the World Trade Center.

Amy Rose



Together we have been through a monstrosity,

a test of endurance and strength.

Together we have watched, glued to new information as the situation unravels.

Together we have expressed our confusion,

anger, and sadness.

Together we have mourned silently, love

lost and lives departed.

Together we shall see this as an opportunity

to make right what once went wrong.

Jennifer Kay Tracy
