Dancing a Complicated Lambada


Girl, I won't forget a single minute,

I'll dance this Lambada until morning,

It doesn't matter if my plaid shirt tears,

I'll grab you and spin without letting go,

In Aldo Sena's Lambada Complicada until I break.

Memories that hurt me at all times.


Marinete, your dress with cups reminds me of the past,

It happens that it never comes back, only inventions,

It was nice to feel the dress swinging from side to side,

Throughout the party room, Marinete filled me with excitement,

Oh, how I miss that! That Lambada Complicada at night,

From one hand to the other, arms and legs crossing.


Marinete, time was running out there without any harmony,

And in the room the wind warmed our bodies together,

If I could I would ask the king of lambada to play again,

Marinete! It even seems like I'm in Belém do Pará,

Dancing with you, I feel Aldo Sena's guitar,

Playing this complicated Lambada until we both fall in love.





Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 25/10/2024
Código do texto: T8182154
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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