—————->. open letter

Open letter: to the greatest love I have ever felt.

Whenever people ask me about love or what it means, I inevitably think of you.

I always remember you when it comes to this subject, because for me you are the most beautiful and purest definition of what love is, of what it is to love to the point of tearing off small parts of yourself to cure it.

It was your love that gently taught me how to love myself and how love itself is a storm that only the bravest and craziest would be able to feel.

I will never forget the feeling of feeling happy, and how good it is to want so much good for someone, I never imagined I would be able to love someone so much.

I found two loves along the way, but neither of them were able to make me overflow or encourage me enough so that I wasn't afraid of myself or my intensity.

None of these loves will be the same as yours, no touch other than yours will truly touch me, there is no essence as striking as yours.

You are the greatest of loves, that chapter of my life that I would relive as many times as necessary. Inside me there is a space that only belongs to you, a place where I can always go to relive good times when I miss you.

Whenever I need to talk about love, I will talk about us.

I'll talk about you and how much I loved you


dedicated to sir estok

Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 17/02/2024
Reeditado em 29/05/2024
Código do texto: T8000836
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro