Hug me before sunrise


Love! If there's time, kiss me really hard

Hug me before sunrise on the mountain

If you love me with the purest of truths

You carry unconditional love within you.

Changing these sensations of body and spirit

You sync my soul to your soul.


At night, wear your red dress

Well, I want to dance with you every step

In the romanticism of Melô by Lana Del Rey

Feeling the Summertime Sadness song

Invade every space on the dance floor

In the elegance that blooms in the morning glow.


This is how I love you in the comfort of melody

Where minutes are lost in hours and time

Embracing your body in every step and measure

Living in the red buds of cordiality

The bravery of this song lulling the eyes

In the slow swing of her black hair.





Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 10/12/2022
Código do texto: T7669265
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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