__________>>> the signs <,<<_____________

When you find someone and that someone does

your heart stops working for a few seconds,

pay attention: it could be the person

most important thing in your life.


If eyes meet and, at this moment,

there is the same intense glow between them,

stay alert: it could be the person you are

waiting since the day he was born.


If the touch of the lips is intense, if the kiss

is passionate, and the eyes fill

of water at this time, notice:

there is something magical between you.

If the first and last thought of your day

is that person, if the will to stay

together reach to squeeze the heart, to thank:

Something from heaven sent you

a divine gift: love.


If one day you have to ask for forgiveness

to the other for some reason and, in return,

receive a hug, a smile, a stroke in the hair

and gestures are worth a thousand words,

surrender: you were made for each other.

If you can, in thought, feel

the smell of the person like

if she was there by your side...

If you find the person wonderfully beautiful,

even though she was in old pajamas,

flip-flops and tangled hair...


If you can't work right all day,

looking forward to the meeting that is scheduled for the night...


If you can't imagine it, so

none, a future without the person by your side...

If you're sure you're going to see the other one

getting older and still have the conviction

who will continue to be crazy about her...

If you'd rather close your eyes, before you see

the other leaving: it's the love that arrived in your life.


Many people fall in love many times

in life few love or find true love.

Sometimes they find and, because they don't pay attention

in these signs, let love pass,

without actually letting it happen.


It's free will. So, pay attention to signs.

Don't let the madness of everyday life let you down

blind to the best thing in life: love!

Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 02/09/2022
Código do texto: T7597065
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro