Rising on the horizon all yellow




You know very well

I'm crazy for you

I will never leave you alone

In the midst of this sunlight.


As long as my love exists

I will run to kiss you

So at the beginning of summer

In the most flowery season.


Don't look to the sky now

Wait for the night of the full moon

All beautiful and very famous

Shining for both of us to dance.


Come girl from my desert

Come quick look at the naked moon

Whole to know of our joy

Rising on the horizon all yellow.


That's why I always tell you

With the moon in the center of the sky

She shines now white and silver

To protect my beautiful girl.


Look! The moon all coy and silver

Lighting up and walking in the endless sky

Dragging her famous silver dress

Opening the roses in the garden for me to kiss you.




Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 17/08/2022
Código do texto: T7584688
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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