Hear my love! Karen Carpenter



Before I sleep I pray for you

Tell me what you feel?

Just tell me one word

Don't sleep without talking to me.


I can't take my eyes off

I can't leave you alone

When you wake up you won't even remember

That I kept you in my heart.


Before bed, listen to Close to you

Remember what Karen Carpenter said

Just listen carefully and love

What I kept for you.


The day goes by running with the clouds

If I could we would both run away from here

Maybe we'll wander around

Without destination or without anything.


But the important thing for me

Is to be close to you at night

When cold comes to the room

I only think about being close to you.


Are you enjoying the music?

Karen with alto vocals

Was a skillful drummer

My favorite muse of the 70's.


My love! Do you want to hear more?

Sleep listening to singer Karen

All my love I feel for you

It's full of tenderness and pours into you.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 17/08/2022
Reeditado em 17/08/2022
Código do texto: T7584455
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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