Romeo and Juliet - Our love will never end






If I could turn back time

Nothing would be like that anymore.

not even my love

It wouldn't do for both of us.


I don't know where the wind goes

if you know tell me fast

Before the world is lost

In the darkness of every illusion.




Don't turn back time, my love

That way it will be better

'Cause my love is big

And it works for both of us in the cold.


The breeze blows in the mountains

Push the sweet clouds

Nothing will be lost in the nights

'Cause my love will cover you.




If your words ruled me

There would be no big hurricanes

Not even the huge whirlpools

Leveraging each city from the sun.


I only have one thing to give you

A daisy I kept in the garden

Just a flower of my affection

That I always have for you.




If the gardens were in bloom

I would give them all the gardens at your feet

But the Milky Way path is beautiful

It's the only gift I can't give you.


But I can plant a blue flower

The color of the sky and the color of the sea

Vented with the hue of my love

That I give you with all my fervor.




I don't have a blue rose just a red one

A flower the color of my blood that runs in my veins

It's the hue of my tender love

That beats and doesn't break for you.


With affection I receive your blue flower

To lighten the sky and the sea

Will be our light in every dawn

Glorifying our God in infinity.




This feeling that rocks me

And make me every minute to be yours

There is no other name but love

That leads me to you to love.


If the river water goes down the bridge

He will never come back

But my love goes up and down

It is bigger than the river and the whole sea.




Hug me my love, I feel the cold

Descending the gorges of the fountains

Kiss me with your tenderness and caresses

Squeeze me in your arms, I'm yours.


Don't look back from the mountains

Don't see the gradation of my eyes

Involved in the road of your peace

Realizing the floor of peace




I see the glow of the slope

Collapsing between my pupils

I don't know what it is, and its cause

Whether it rains or shines this afternoon.


I just know how to say that I love you

And my love is endless

Before your dark eyes

That seduce me every day.




It doesn't rain and it's not sunny in the afternoon

If my attachment is as strong as the sea

My dedication is a light that does not go out

Among the flames, my affection is you.


In the rays that light up the whole sky

There it will be written - My love is only yours

For the eternal life of this friendship

I love you my only love.




Wait for me to get your gift

It's a simple gift in a flower

As blue as the doom of infinity

As sweet as honey, it will be heaven.


I kept the beautiful red flower

Your corollas will never wither

In my so small heart

Because I love you, I love you.




Do not Cry! Please! if you cry

Will dry up the rivers of our springs

There will be no more rain and no more winter

So cry no more.


These droplets that fall on my shoulder

Are endless marks of our friendship

Of pure love in a difficult situation

That's why I want you more and I love you.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 31/07/2022
Código do texto: T7572175
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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