Your red dress



I want you dressed in red

Everything in our life is passion

Bringing a hot temptation

With a gigantic provocation.


You look so pretty in that look

In a red dress. It's complete!

Make your wardrobe shine

Along with your thinking.


With this seductive color

With red dress and boots

Combines for an updated look

Making a monocratic look.


Baby! With this seductive color

You seduce me at the disco

Smiling and feeling special to me

In that warm color that draws attention.


My love! you are a powerful woman

Able to make my love shine

In the adjusted modeling of your look

I am your lover forever.




Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 18/07/2022
Código do texto: T7562699
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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