Do not leave me alone




I do not want to be alone

Wandering through the night

Waiting for a love

That I left a day ago.


My love, don't leave me alone

I'm afraid of the dark

Of the night without the moon

That doesn't shine on my face.


I will cry if you leave me

I don't have anyone in my life

Only i have you with me

And for that, I beg you not to leave me.


If I could count the stars in the sky

I would give all the stars to you

Dream and dream of a starry sky

Bathing in the glow of sunlight.


But I don't have that gift

The only thing i have is you

So don't go, don't go

Making me unhappy without you.


I do not want to be alone

Wandering all night

Walking around without you

In a goodbye without farewell.


I do not want to be alone

Don't leave me without you

You are all i have

And what I want most in life.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 17/07/2022
Código do texto: T7561902
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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