My love, anything can happen



If tomorrow there is no longer a blue sky

If the afternoon is not a night in this crusade

And if the year isn't the sparkle in your eyes

I won't be able to say your beautiful name anymore

Well, imagine now, everything I told you.


If the flowers run out of thorns in the morning

And the rivers invade the shores of all the beaches

In a brutal current and without an end

But, it all depends on your deeds in this life

Imagine this horrendous situation in the universe.


Come soon to my meeting of future peace

Rising with the sun behind the mountains

Living this crazy high love with you

I swear I will love you at all times

And nothing will happen in the world of our affection.




Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 14/07/2022
Código do texto: T7559218
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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