Our love journey



I just want to tell you that I love you

I love you so much in every way

We can't forget our song

Voyage Voyage by the singer Desireless.


Yup. Everything boils inside of me, baby

When I hear this radiant song

Make me fly away with you

Stealing your heart on this road.


There's just the two of us on this beautiful flight

That makes me kinder to you

Listening to Voyage Voyage everything flies

Even my thoughts with you.


My love! This song has no end

And there will never be an end to this trip

Where we fly in the same sphere of light

At the turn of every morning and night.


The greatest proof of love I can give

It's listening to Voyage voyage with you

In this endless dimension of love

I kiss you with a thousand tendernesses of fervor.


See me and you on other planets

Parading with our feelings

I want you more and with intensity

During that flight without a return.


Always stay here with me, my love!

That's why I appreciate you in detail

And your mouth is more beautiful calling me

From my dear love! My great love.


I'm happy to hear it a million times

Voyage Voyage by the singer Desireless

I lack nothing when I'm with you

I feel complete on this journey of love.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 14/07/2022
Código do texto: T7559215
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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