She loves
She loves how he looks at the sun
He loves how they are one
They walk through woods of happiness
Until the day he showed tenderness
She loves the heart that he gives.
Gently, he does it with a great pleasure
Because in the core he found that treasure
They will be fine as long as love lives
So she loved the way he looks at her
To her he is like a knight
Speaking of feelings, she self refers
Then the journey begins with a flight
She loves being contemplated by the skies
She takes what is needed and then flies
No matter how tall he will fall
Without caring if in the end he dies
She loves being flattered by the winds
Even if it drags him to the bottom
Seems simple between bodies and minds
But he does not have to wait for the autumn
She loves his sacrifice for her
And no matter how close they were
She runs in the moment he stops
No time to take his flip-flops
She loves being loved
Does not even love him
When the fear be removed
It will be like cutting a limb
Oliver Yeager
8th February 2019