
I kept that silly piece of paper

Because it had your handwriting on it

It's not my thing

Acting like I'm still a teenager falling in love

But something's keeping me from tearing it apart somehow

I really love your eyes

Brown but with a little shade of green

People can see if they pay attention

Did someone ever tell you that?

I really love seeing your eyes

Because it means that you can see mine too

And I never said the right thing

Every time I cross your doorstep

The words get scrambled

And I just speak so fast

As if there will never be enough time to say everything I need to

You say goodbye everytime I see you

As if soon you'll finally get what you want and leave

Maybe you'll never look back

Maybe you'll only remember my name the day I send you the book I promised

Maybe your brown-with-a-shade-of-green eyes will be looking at something else far away from me

I'll never be able to say that I love you

I know everytime you look down, saying that your time here is already over

Your mind is already packing and I still couldn´t memorize your smile

From you, I can only have two things

Your handwriting

And your eyes