For the green-eyed girl from far away

Hey girl, in my heart you will always stay

I think it is impossible not to think of you everyday

Although far away, I stare into your beautiful green eyes

Beating so hard and fast my heart tells no lies

Nowadays I even daydream about your touch

The smell of your perfume on me, I love so much

You may be far from me but make me hot from head to toe

And the things I want to do, I would love to show

If only you could see in my heart and in my mind

How much love in me for you - you might find

But now what has been left over is this feeling inside my heart

Of wishing to tell you that it is forever broken apart …………..

I don’t know why but I sense you are more than special!

Is that true?

Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 11/03/2016
Reeditado em 13/03/2016
Código do texto: T5570137
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro