A star in our kisses

Today, I ran hastily
With the wind crossing my path
With a thousand ideas, and a shitload of emails to answer.
Love! You passed quite close to me
I looked sideways
And I didn't see you
Something in the sky called me to attention
I looked again through the windshield
And I saw your shining star
With my letters in the sky
That's why you spend here in the middle.

I rushed in traffic
In the daily turmoil, it's always the same
And life as a lawyer, is a rush
However, the time has its exact measurements
In any dimension of life.
Yes. I saw you watching me.
With your smile of Princess
In the distance that unites the love
The most beautiful constellation
I told you I'd be back
But you gave me a beacon
So I never got lost of you
In the vacuum of the universe
In stellar path to love
I always have you
And you radiate me forever.

My love of the stars!
Hear this, gorgeous jazz/funk
With Herb Alpert - A Taste of Honey
And remember we danced together
When the night was illuminated
With their kind words and hot
Passing, passing between my verses
And telling me that love is a building
Born and not quenched with illusions
All right, my love. You tracked me down in GPS
And did you see the most beautiful thing in the world-in red color
I also looked at you, all smiling on the video
Not even the sea waves delete this love
Neither the sun with their daily explosions
Is able to ignite the atom of our love.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 05/06/2014
Código do texto: T4832892
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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