Your love is sweeter than honey

When I kissed your lips
You hugged me affectionately
And told me that love is our union
Throughout our lives with peace.

I feel your soft hands on my face
Slipping, sliding as much affection
In addition to a magic touch, and sentimental.
You gave me the sublime eternal friendship.

The time, life and hope, are parts of our love.
Deep as the sea, so wide as their Island.
Between Mountains, I am the wind of love.
Bathing your wonderful heart.

My love! My life has its affections
Full of paths wherever you go
After all, I am a browser in the pursuit of his love
And you, the beautiful princess of honey lips.

My sweetheart! Only love has the strength of the union
Able to attract two souls in the same space
Adjusting my and your feeling
You're right when you say I'm yours.

So. Let's dance to this special reggae!
In step and measure at a gentle touch
The moon shines between our kisses infinite
Handing my love in your heartbeat.

It was when I kissed her sweet lips
Hugging tight to your body
With an ocean of straight hair and black
Living in his heart my great love.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 28/05/2014
Reeditado em 19/07/2014
Código do texto: T4823570
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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