Love is not like that

Sheila! You don't understand me
If you don't understand me
There is no way I explain
Please! Don't mind that much
Don't tell me that I 'm so into you
Don't say that. Everything is just friendship
That generates a feeling of longing
Born in loop cordial of affinities.

Sheila! Do not imagine what does not exist
Don't think I'll be loving you
Every time I speak or write his name
I can tell that you are a good soul
With whom I relate socially
Why you ask me if I'm in love?
No. No. I do not want to love you
Our friendship is worth more than anything.

You know one thing: Love is not like that, darling
I love when I run behind
And you can live in any one of the continents
I buy a pass and caught a flight
If between us nothing happened
Then, the affective calls between us did not exist
With my friendship, I want to be the best friend.
An immense affection without hurting the heart.

If I loved you, I would agree with you
And every day, I would be in your body
Caressing the delights of this feeling
If I really love you, you'd be here
Between the two of us, there would be no distances
And our bodies would be just one love
Perpetuating the brightness of the heat of the affections
Marrying the souls and pleasures in this union.

I just want you to understand
I love you so much that I give my peace
My smile and my joy forever
And when you need me
I'll be on your side faster than the wind
And faster than the beating of your heart
Congratulating the best roses in your face.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 26/03/2014
Código do texto: T4743963
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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